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ETE for Learning: Visual Arts

Many people think that a career in Visual Arts or design is something about creativity and free flight of thoughts. Partly they are right, creativity is a cornerstone of any individual who connects his/her life with Visual Arts. But few people think about the fact that becoming a professional designer also requires to master a lot of theoretical knowledge. Understanding the theory, for example, why some colors, shapes or materials don't work together, requires sufficient amount of reading and learning. ETE Software from Vumingo takes the theoretical part upon itself, leaving creativity to designers and visual arts professionals.

ETE Software allows users to create, open and practice interactive tests and exams. You can import exam questions from any text file, including rtf, txt and PDF. After that, a list of boring and monotonous questions can be replaced by a variety of question types: multiple choice questions, fill in the blank questions, drag-n-drop questions, hotspots, drop and connect questions and hot area questions (especially popular with interior designers, architects and engineers).

In the line of duty, most designers and other visual arts professionals are visual students, getting information from a computer or tablet screen, perhaps with embedded images, is the best way to learn for them. ETE Software perfectly meets this requirement. As one of the most important features of this Software is the option of embedding images in exam questions and answers, it fits the needs of designers and other visual arts professionals. This peculiar feature is a great way to test and improve the candidate's understanding of color combinations, spacing, balance and other visual aspects.

ETE Software supports all non-English characters, so it can be easily used by professionals and students whose native language is other than English/Latin based.

ETE makes testing processes not only dynamic and enjoyable, but also simple. It gives the option of saving the current testing session and coming back to it later. You can also review the testing history, go back to the questions that hadn't been answered correctly and more. All of these features are highly useful to designers and other visual arts professionals and students.

ETE is a reliable tool for convenient exam preparation. Moreover, it is available PC, Mac OS, as well as iOS and Android devices, it means that you can practice your exam both at home and on the go. is owned Learners Ltd: Office 15, 321-323 High Road, Chadwell Heath, Essex, England, RM6 6AX
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